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Top band pages
full list
Pos. Page In 2001 In 2000 In 1999 In 1998 TOTAL
3 Adamo 24107 15608 8998 2701 51414
4 Jacques Brel 18570 10926 10826 2585 42907
1 K3 35349 6179 0 0 41528
7 Vaya Con Dios 19238 11967 5758 1945 38908
6 Ks Choice 12507 8283 7339 2519 30648
5 dEUS 10956 6423 6285 1714 25378
9 Plastic Bertrand 10325 6720 4797 1369 23211
8 Raymond vh Groenewoud 9318 5986 3759 1669 20732
2 Milk Inc. 19603 663 0 0 20266
10 Clouseau 8004 5263 3905 1147 18319

Top Real-Audio files
Pos. artist / song In 2001 In 2000 In 1999 In 1998 TOTAL
1 Jacques Brel - Ne me quitte pas 5076 2403 2672 639 10790
2 Soeur Sourire - Dominique 4554 3072 2018 759 10403
3 Plastic Bertrand - Ca plane pour moi 3211 1680 2427 848 8166
4 K3 - Heya Mama 5316 1762 67 0 7145
5 Adamo - Vous permettez monsieur 2863 1925 1449 603 6840
6 Adamo - Inch Allah 3166 1911 1104 448 6629
7 D.A.A.U. - Drieslagstelsel I 3864 1059 1399 143 6465
8 Novastar - Wrong 2133 3881 363 0 6377
9 K3 - Yeke Yeke 4231 2099 29 0 6359
10 D.A.A.U. - Drieslagstelsel III 3468 892 1330 89 5779

[1-99] [100-199] [200-299] [300-399] [400-499] [500-599] [600-699] [700-799] [800-899] [900-999]

Other Site Statistics
  Total Last Month  
Number of users 1.916.281 92.462 day by day list
Number of page views 6.185.626 269.257 day by day list
Number of hits 37.638.290 2.099.938 day by day list
Number of countries visiting 176 101 see list


The Belgian Pop & Rock Archives are not completed. Your help is needed. Missing bands, comments, interesting info, scans, audio-files, questions, news ... ? Send them to Dirk.Houbrechts@pandora.be, Fax +32-70-70.21.45, or by mail to Keinkesstraat 51, 3600 Genk, Belgium.

Disclaimer : This site pays royalties, and was built and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions negotiated with SABAM, the Belgian society of copyright-holders. Consultation of this site is free, but this exludes downloading, reproducing or public performance of any part of this site. Please do not copy. Link !

Last update to this site : December 2001.