This website contains the story of Belgian Pop
and Rock Music from the sixties to the present day. You'll find lots of info
on 262 bands & artists from the past &
present, the latest popnews,
, a busy forum...
At this moment this website is not being updated.
Exhaustive discographies of most of the artists on this website can be found at
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before you, in the busy forum of this website.
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- album reviews (+500)
- concert reviews (+320)
- items (CD, LP, singles ...) for sale (+280)
- items (CD, LP's ... ) wanted (+870)
- websites (+490)
Watch it : This site pays royalties, and was built and maintained in
accordance with the terms and conditions negotiated with SABAM,
the Belgian society of copyright-holders. Consultation of this site is free, but
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site. Please do not copy. Link!