Our very own charts, with nothing but Belgian bands in it. You - the visitors
to this website - decide who's in it and on what place (you can even win a prize
- usually a cd - in doing so!!).
With lots of real-audio bits and dozens of links to illustrate the chart.
Ultratop Singles Top 50/40
The Official Belgian Singles Charts, the "Bilboard top .." of Belgium.
Note that Belgium has two sets of charts: one for the Flanders, and one for Wallonia.
Variations on this list are the Radio2 top 30, or the Prima Donna.
Ultratop Album Top 50
The Official List of Best-selling albums in Belgium. Some radio-stations have
their own "flavour" of the ultratop (eg. the Stubru 50).
Vlaamse Top 10 / Top 10 Singles Français Best-selling songs in the Dutch / French language only
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accordance with the terms and conditions negotiated with SABAM,
the Belgian society of copyright-holders. Consultation of this site is free, but
this exludes downloading, reproducing or public performance of any part of this
site. Please do not copy. Link!