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Buy this CD at ProxisCD OF THE WEEK (May 1999) :

The Clement Peerens Explosition
"Vindegij mijn gat (niet te dik in deze rok)"

Songs (click on the -icons for audio)

1. Vindegij mijn gat
2. Boecht van Dunaldy
3. Zagen
4. Filiaal van de hel
---- Extra tracks :
5. Dikke Lu
6. Loeten
7. 't is altijd iets met die wijven
8. Asbak
9. Maar niet met mij
10. Foorwijf
11. Pinokkio
12. Als ik er ene geef
13. Beats of love

Written by C. Peerens. Produced & Arranged by CPeX.

Muzikanten :
- Clement Peerens (aka Hugo Matthysen)
- Aertbeliën Sylvain (aka Ronny Mosuse)
- Vettige Swa (aka Bart Peeters)

Hoeske by de Macke.

My opinion

"Value for money", it is a often-used slogan in place like the shopping-centre of Wijnegem, of in the supermarkets of Dunaldy (sic). Yet these temples for the buying frenzied get to swallow quite a bit of flack from Clement Peerens on the new songs of this EP+. Wijnegem receives a label as "Filiaal van de hel" (branch of hell) and in Dunaldy his wife has bought some terrible wine that gave him a headache.
"Value for money" could also be the slogan of this cd. Apart from the title-track "Vindegij mijn gat" (Don't you think my bum looks fat in this skirt?) and three other new songs there are no less than 9 extra tracks on it, the complete "Dikke Lu" and "Foorwijf" EP's including the Nacht und Nebel-cover "Beats of Love", or the complete works of Clement and his gang.
"Value for money" could also be a warning to the consumer : "If it's cheap, it's probably rubbish". Operating with a false moustache and a wig sometimes seems an alibi to unashamedly plunder the best of hard- & glamrock, boogie, wave & blues, blending it with an over-the-top portion of misogeny (hatred against women) and pub-talk. A joke is only a joke if people still laugh with it.
It's also clear that the older songs ("Pinokkio", "Loeten", "'t Is altijd iets met die wijven") are standing proud & strong, a thing which is unlikely to be said about the new songs.
"Value for money" is fortunately also applicable to the prize of the cd : these 13-tracks only cost the prize of an avarage 4-track. Shouldn't you be on you way ?

Sent-in Opinions :

"Zeker geen CP-eXit na de mini-albums "Dikke Lu" en "Foorwijf" voor Hugo, Bart en Ronny. Alhoewel er meer bonustracks dan nieuwe nummers op "Vinde gij mijn gat" staan, valt deze derde CD weer in de smaak van de vele 'Leugenpaleizers'. Ik vraag me als welopgevoede mens wel af of die metamorfose enkel dient om zo op 'Waainegem', 'Denaldy' of 'zaogende waaiven' te kappen of zit er echt meer achter? Nee, dan zegt de fijnere humor van Matthysen en Peeters zelve me meer.
'Bangelijk' op fuiven en concerten, maar overdreven voor de huiskamer. En te weinig nieuwe nummers voor wie de twee vorige plaatjes al had. Zij hard, ik ook."
Ben Braillard (

Om te gieeeeren van 't lachen !
Goeien muziek
vreeed goekoop
vreeeeed goe !
Louis Volcke (

Alow, de Clement eet er zein waark va gemokt om ongs ne goeie CD te presentere, ties em gelukt oek! De CD ies eejl goe, de prijs van de CD koemt overeejn met ne prijs van mineroalwater mor de muziek smokt gelek sjampan! Het ies zeiker giejnen boecht van Dunaldy! Ienternetadressen van de Clement of iets dat dormee temoaken eet ies alted welkom
DieDubbelJoe (

And your opinion?
Did I get it all wrong, or was I spot-on ? Do you want to share your opinion about this cd ? Send it in, and I'll put it up here !

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This album in the press:

- Metro (De Morgen) : "Or how the "pop-expert" from het Leugenpaleis can live his AC/DC-fixation out in the real world. Mr. Peerens is the most women-friendly songwriter in Flanders. It's pure poetry. And exiting too.".
- sf in RifRaf : "Finally a point of light in the scene from Antwerp that gets ever more boring (K's Choice and the likes), more irritating (Zita Swoon and co) and more overrated (dEUS and branches). No arty-farty bullshit of boring posing in gangsta/junk-style here. No, no : CPex say it like they think and are who they are. Cracking tracks, and even more cracking lyrics."
- Weekend-Knack : "The four brand new songs of the Clement Peerens Explosition - an alibi to get to be a moron for a tour long - make you smile, but the magic has worn off."

Did you see a good (or bad) review of this album ? Tell me about it !

More about this band :

- The web could do with a little more CPeX-info. You can find info on the members of the band on the Hugo Matthysen and Radio's pages on this site.

Where to buy this CD ?

You can order this CD from a number of locations (prices researched on September 12th, 1999, but nothing guarantees they still are the same when you read this).

Price of the CD
Shipping + other expenses
Direct Link
336 fr.
381 fr.
370 fr.

The lowest price is in yellow, the highest in red. This price comparison doesn't take things into account like deduction of shipping expenses when ordering more than 1 cd, bonus points, differences in guarantees ... Shipping prices are those for customers in Belgium.

Have you seen this record elsewhere on the net, do you own an online-CD-shop with Belgian products in it, or if there's something wrong with my calculations : let me know.

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